目前分類:young adult (152)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2014-07-23 紅色覺醒 Red Rising Trilogy (2383) (0)
2014-07-11 白雪公主三部曲 Lumikki Andersson (1481) (1)
2014-06-28 第五波 The 5th Wave (5380) (4)
2014-06-09 獵殺第四行者 Lorien Legacies (16187) (0)
2014-06-04 移動城市 The Hungry City Chronicles (7336) (1)
2014-05-24 The 100 (967) (4)
2014-05-02 傳奇 Legend (1074) (4)
2014-04-16 闇夜狼影 Nightshade (2083) (4)
2014-04-15 咒術家族 Curse Workers (1378) (2)
2014-04-13 危險伯爵 Magic Most Foul (1550) (22)
2014-03-24 獵狼小紅帽 Fairytale Retellings (1273) (1)
2014-03-15 時空旅人 Tempest (1661) (0)
2014-03-07 巫行者 Witch & Wizard (1960) (6)
2014-03-05 塵埃之地 Dust Lands (969) (2)
2014-02-27 The Sweet Trilogy (898) (0)
2014-02-26 黑寡婦系列 His Fair Assassin (2378) (26)
2014-02-13 Wicked Lovely (852) (1)
2014-01-18 The Beauchamp Family (1010) (13)
2014-01-04 潔瑪.道爾三部曲 Gemma Doyle (2077) (4)
2013-12-26 月族 Lunar Chronicles (4334) (14)
2013-12-24 絕境三部曲 Razorland (2596) (3)
2013-12-07 歷史檔案館 The Archived (780) (0)
2013-11-09 預言的姊妹 Prophecy of the Sisters (2664) (6)
2013-10-31 殭屍不哭 Living Dead Love Story (1565) (9)
2013-10-21 Teardrop (1494) (2)
2013-10-06 渴 Thirst (1884) (3)
2013-09-25 永無天日 Under the Never Sky (2477) (5)
2013-09-20 第五條款 Article 5 (2367) (4)
2013-09-01 混沌魔器 機械天使 The Infernal Devices (4475) (8)
2013-08-30 起點人 Starters (1947) (9)
2013-08-28 決戰王妃 The Selection (50490) (37)
2013-08-26 黯黑之鏡 Dark Mirror (768) (0)
2013-08-12 茱麗葉三部曲 Shatter Me (2344) (7)
2013-08-10 異生物調查局 Paranormalcy (1196) (6)
2013-08-06 Lies Beneath (501) (1)
2013-07-21 愛麗絲重遊仙境 Splintered (2192) (6)
2013-07-19 Shadow Falls (785) (5)
2013-07-18 The Violet Eden Chapters (457) (4)
2013-07-09 Goddess Test (674) (4)
2013-06-30 Significance (511) (4)
2013-06-22 理想國四部曲 The Giver Quartet (6150) (1)
2013-06-14 星河方舟 Across the Universe (1082) (1)
2013-06-02 瘋人之女 The Madman's Daughter (560) (0)
2013-06-01 魔法學院 Mythos Academy (3463) (7)
2013-05-28 格里莎三部曲 The Grisha (3757) (7)
2013-05-25 殺人恩典 Graceling Realm (3004) (32)
2013-05-15 迷聲人魚 Lost Voices (1628) (3)
2013-05-13 壞女孩不死 Bad Girls Don't Die (1542) (7)
2013-05-12 血衣安娜 Anna (3910) (9)
2013-05-03 魔鬼之舞 Dance of Shadows (1661) (6)