魔法學院1 魔法之淚 2014-04-28 (原文於2011-08-01出版)
魔法學院2 魔法之吻 2014-05-26 (原文於2011-11-29出版)
魔法學院3 暗黑封印 2014-06-25 (原文於2012-05-29出版)
魔法學院4 血紅魔法 2014-11-25 (原文於2012-12-24出版)
魔法學院5 闇夜迷林 2014-12-24 (原文於2013-07-30出版)
魔法學院6 噬魂之火 2015-03-31 (原文於2014-02-25出版)
查了一下發現和我很有興趣的成人都會奇幻Elemental Assassin系列是同一個作者,
擁有讀心術的17歲女孩 -關.佛洛斯特Gwen Frost進入充滿戰士後裔的魔法學院
17歲的吉普賽女孩關.佛洛斯特(Gwen Frost)擁有一項超能力:她可以藉由觸摸各種物體讀取他人的心,藉此解決各種犯罪案件。由於她的天賦,她被送到危險又黑暗的魔法學校。這間學校裡有許多魔法奇才,大部分學生都是古代戰士的後裔,所有學生都接受嚴格的訓練,但是她的特殊能力卻特別不受到歡迎……
Question: What are the Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy books about?
問:Mythos Academy這系列YA都會奇幻在說什麼?
Answer: The Mythos Academy books focus on Gwen Frost, a 17-year-old Gypsy girl who has the gift of psychometry, or the ability to know an object’s history just by touching it. Gwen’s magic lets her see everyone who has ever touched or used an object as well as feel their emotions — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
答:神話學院系列焦點集中在Gwen Frost,一個有psychometry,觸碰物品就能得知它歷史的能力的天賦的十七歲吉普賽女孩。Gwen的魔法讓她看到每個曾經碰過或用過某樣物品的人並感受到他們的情緒──好的、壞的和醜惡的。
After a serious freak-out with her magic, Gwen finds herself shipped off to Mythos Academy, a school for the descendents of ancient warriors like Spartans, Valkyries, and more. The academy is located in the fictional suburb of Cypress Mountain, North Carolina, and the kids there are training how to use their magic and various skills to fight Reapers of Chaos. The Reapers are some seriously bad guys who want to free the evil god Loki from his mystical prison so Loki can take over the world and enslave everyone.
在一次因她魔法而起的嚴重幻覺之後,Gwen發現她被送到神話學院,一所給像是Spartans, Valkyries(北歐神話中Odin神的十二婢女之一)等古老戰士後裔的學校。學院位於北卡羅來納州賽普勒斯山的虛構郊區,而那裡的孩子正在訓練如何使用他們的魔法和各種技巧來對抗渾沌死神。死神是一些想要將邪惡之神Loki從他的神祕監獄釋放好讓Loki可以接管整個世界並奴役每個人的壞傢伙。
Gwen doesn’t think that she belongs at the academy or that she’s any kind of warrior, but she’s wrong — and she’s a lot stronger than she realizes.
Question: What kind of magic/world building is in the Mythos Academy series?
問:Mythos Academy系列的魔法或世界架構是哪一種?
Answer: As the name suggests, the Mythos Academy series is all about mythology. I’m drawing a lot on Greek and Norse mythology, including folks like Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, and Loki, who is Norse god and something of a trickster. The books also feature my own take on famous warriors like Spartans, Valkyries, Amazons, and more, as well as mythological creatures.
答:就像名稱使人聯想到的一樣,神話學院系列全都跟神話有關。我被希臘和北歐神話深深吸引,包括Nike,希臘的勝利女神和Loki,北歐神祇而且是個騙子。這些書也以我對這些有名戰士,像是Spartans, Valkyries, Amazons還有更多,的反應還有神話生物為特色。
I’ve always loved mythology and fairy tales, so you’ll see gods, goddesses, myth, monsters, magic, and more in the books.
Question: How much sex, violence, and bad language are in the Mythos Academy books?
問:有多少性、暴力和髒話在Mythos Academy系列裡?
Answer: There is some sex, violence, and bad language in the books. The books are urban fantasies so they still have that dark, gritty, urban fantasy edge to them. The kids at Mythos Academy drink, smoke, swear, and have sex just like kids in the real world do. Plus, the kids are warriors training to fight bad guys and an evil god, so there are quite a few fight scenes as well — and some characters die.
答:有一些性、暴力和髒話在這本書裡。這系列書是都會奇幻所以它們仍然有黑暗、堅韌、都會奇幻的面向。Mythos Academy裡的小孩喝酒、抽菸、罵髒話並且有性行為就像現實生活中的小孩會做的一樣。除此之外,這些孩子是被訓練來和壞人及邪惡神祇打鬥的戰士,所以也有好一些戰鬥場景──而且有一些角色死亡。
Overall, I would compare the tone of the Mythos Academy series to the Vampire Academy books by Richelle Mead or the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa.
整體而言,我會將Mythos Academy系列的調性和Richelle Mead的吸血鬼學院以及Julie Kagawa的末日仙境系列做對照。
Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy #1)
Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy #2)
Dark Frost (Mythos Academy, #3)
Crimson Frost (Mythos Academy, #4)
Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy #5)
Killer Frost (Mythos Academy, #6)
First Frost (Mythos Academy #0.5)
Halloween Frost (Mythos Academy #1.5)
Spartan Frost (Mythos Academy #4.5)
其中Halloween Frost 那篇是收錄在一本多個作家的合輯Entangled。